by Katherine Mair | Jun 20, 2017 | Life, MAD Blather, Work
International Yoga Day is a lovely reminder of the beautiful unifying force of this ancient and enduring practice. While I am unable to participate in some of the larger celebrations today, I will be celebrating yoga in my own small ways throughout the day. Perhaps...
by Katherine Mair | Oct 23, 2015 | MAD Blather, Study
There are some alarming statistic floating around about the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our younger generation, our future. When it comes to the Physical Health of young Australians; 30% of 5-24 years olds are Overweight or Obese (that rate is even...
by Katherine Mair | Aug 26, 2015 | General, Life, MAD Blather, Work
There are times when it might be seen as a dirty word. A sign of weakness or inability. Yet the ability to show and share our vulnerability paves the way for establishing trust. If we think about the Trust Equation, vulnerability helps us to establish greater Intimacy...